An Ode to Revlon Nail Polish

All my life I’ve been a nail biter.

My heart and soul goes out to other nail biters.  It’s not an easy habit to break, because its more than an addiction or routine.  It’s an oral-retentive, Freudian-explored obsessive behaviour that goes way back to childhood, or something. Ultimately I believe two things have gotten me to stop biting my nails (as of August 2012, thankyouverymuch):


and Revlon Post Trauma Nail Treatment:

Pinterest made me jealous.  I was sick of looking at bitches with better nails than I would ever have, posting their flavour-of-the-day shade and way-too-much-time-on-my-hands clever designs.  But instead of getting too jealous, I decided to get even and grow my own.  It’s really fun to paint your nails.  Taking off polish isn’t.  But it sure is great to see nice nails shining back at ya, even if that polish is all over your finger tips too…  I’m still relatively new at this game.

Revlon was what did the hard work.  Something about Revlon nail polishes make me feel grown up.  When I was a kid we used to walk down to the local pharmacy and buy candy with our “pocket-money,” as they say in England.  Once I bought a bubble gum pink shade of Revlon nail polish instead.  And that’s what beauty products are all about.

My friend recommended using Revlon Post Trauma Nail Treatment, something she used between manicures.  I was desperate and keen take some trustworthy advice.  She was right, and it works.  I used it on its own until I was able to graduate to polish on top, never looking back.

This Autumn 2012 I’ve taken to wearing a very classic Revlon pairing.  I bought Revlon Red lipstick and nail polish in a moment of drugstore glamour, both of which are great and a very satisfying under $20 combo purchase for any woman.  During the same visit I got Revlon 030 Grey Suede, which to me is a nudey beige.  Both colors are so sexy, sophisticated and classic it’s almost silly to mention it.  Warning, Revlon Red nails attract men.  Grey Suede is for silent smoldering.  I love you, Revlon.

About Kathleen Brey

Fresh Minx Beauty

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